Citizen Kane (Orson Welles), 1941

    The Maltese Falcon (John Huston), 1941

    His Girl Friday (Howard Hawks), 1940

    The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (John Huston), 1948

    The Godfather  (Francis Ford Coppola), 1972

    The Godfather Part 2, (Francis Ford Coppola), 1974

    Titanic (Jmes Cameron) 1998

    Casablanca (Michael Curtiz), 1942

    The Truman Show (    ), 1998

    Rebel Without a Cause (Nicholas Ray), 1955 

    On the Waterfront (Elia Kazan), 1954

    Some Like It Hot (Billy Wilder), 1959 

    Sunset Boulevard (Billy Wilder), 1950

    Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock), 1958

    The Wizard of Oz (Victor Fleming), 1939

    Modern Times (Charles Chaplin), 1936

    The Rope (Alfred Hitchcock) 1952

    Do The Right Thing (Spike Lee), 1982

    Schindler's List (Steve Spielberg), 1993

    Kiss Me Deadly  (Robert Aldrich), 1954

    North by Northwest (Alfred Hitchcock), 1959

    Chinatown  (Roman Polanski), 1974

    Taxi Driver (Martin Scorsese), 1976;

    The Best Years of Our Lives (William Wyler), 1946

    The Learning Tree (Gordon Parks), 1969

    Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (Frank Capra), 1939

    The Searchers (John Ford), 1956

    West Side Story (Robert Wise), 1965

    Snow White and the Seven Dwargs (David Hand for Walt Disney), 1937

    An American in Paris (Vincente Minnelli), 1951

    E. T. (Steven Spielberg), 1973

    The Magnificent Ambersons (Orson Welles), 1942

    Annie Hall (Woody Allen), 1979

    The Shawnhaw Reduption, 1980

    Miracle of Morgan's Creek (Preston Sturges), 1944

    Ninotchka (Ernst Lubitsch), 1940

    The Wild Bunch (Sam Peckinpah), 1969

    You Only Live Once (Fritz Lang), 1937 

    One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest  (  )1975


    Being There

    Parallax View

    The Manchurian Candidate (Frank Franklinheimer), 1962

    Gun Crazy   (Joseph H. Lewis), 1950

